Richland Co., Ohio


Tax Records

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Richland County Property Taxes - Taxpayers, 1828

Perry Township  (Range 19, Township 19)

source:  Richland County List of Property Subject To Taxation, 1828

Useful resources:  See the range map in our map section and the 1873 and 1896 Plat Books for more info. on Township Numbers and Sections

R = Range  |  T = Township  |  S = Section

ne = northeast  |  nw = northwest  |  se = southeast  |  sw = southwest

hf = half  |  qr = quarter  |  pt = part  |  sec = section  |  cor = corner

* If you would like more information about a particular entry on this page, please e-mail with the NAME of the taxpayer, the tax YEAR. the TOWNSHIP and the REFERENCE NUMBER below the chart.  Use the phrase "Property Tax Lookup" in the subject line of your e-mail please.

Owner's Name Section Quarter
Armentrout, George 3 sw
Baker, Christian Jr. 24 s pt ne
Blaze, Joshua 24 ne pt
Boughman, Francis 2 se
" 11 ne
" 12 pt nw
" 4 sw
" 6 ne
" 7 ne
Baughman, Francis W. 6 se
Bowers, Daniel 6 e pt nw
Baker, Christian 18 ne
Baker, Jacob 18 pt ne
Bowman, Henry 15 nw
Bigby, George 35 s½ sw


" nw
Coon, Jacob 12 s pt ne
Coon, Jacob Jr. 12 n pt ne
Coon, John 12 se
Cary, Reuben 25 nw
Culp, Abraham 25 se pt
Culp, Jacob 25 se pt
Culp, Lawrence 35 nw
Culp, Jacob 36 pt nw
Culp, John " pt n½


25 pt sw
Culp, Philip 35 pt sw
" 25 pt se
" " pt sw
" 36 pt nw
" 35 pt n½
Chambers, Robert 27 se
Chambers, John 35 n½ sw
Cook, John 31 nw
Caldwell, James 33 nw
Cook, John 31 pt sw
Dally, Charles 12 pt nw
Dimmick, Daniel 1 ne
Dennis, Samuel 21 n½ se
Dyer, Bracket 25 pt sw
Ely, John 8 e pt nw
Edgington, Thomas 24 nw


Edgington, Jesse 17 se


20 ne
Ely, John 8 pt nw
Ensign, Silas 22 s½ ne
Ewers, Richard 36 s pt se
Fissell, Adam 24 pt se
Finch, John 19 n pt sw
Falling, Daniel 26 sw
Gregg, Hannah 27 ne
Green Hoe, John 15 se
Graham, David 28 e½ sw
Gross, George 12 sw
Green, May 32 se


33 n½ sw
Halferty, William 17
Halferty, Edward 10 sw


23 nw
Harte, Abner 31 e pt nw


33 n½ sw
Haste, Benjamin 31 e pt sw
Hetrick, Abraham 8 ne


Huntsman, James (heirs of) 10 se
Hartley, Amos 31 ne cor sw
Hoosock, Adam 34 ne
Huntsman, Jonathan 22 nw
Johnson, Elemuel 3 se
Klinefelter, Michael 18 e½ nw
Keller, John 35 pt n½
Lavering, Nathan 31 sw
Lucas, Adam 8 se
Leeper, Allen 33 se
Leedy, David 35 se
Lamb, Lawrence 4 se
Lamb, Timothy 4 nw
Levering, Nathaniel 31 se
Murphey, William 30 e½ se
Mitchell, Dan 29 w½ nw
Markey, Samuel 31 sw
Moore, Robert 4 ne
Murgan, Burgess 14 sw
Morrison, Daniel 36 sw cor sw
Ogle, John 32 sw
Price, Benjamin - -
Pumphry, Joseph 11 se
Painter, John 36 se
Packer, Moses " n pt sw
Poorman, Peter 22 se
Roarick, Lewis 24 w pt se
Rhule, George 13 sw


19 ne
Rickle, Henry 1 nw
Rhineheart, George 21 se


22 nw cor sw
Shaeffer, Jacob 27 sw
Samms, Henry 27 sw
Samms, Andrew 22 s½ sw
Samms, Henry 27 nw
Samms, William 33 e½ sw
Stilts, William 11 s pt sw
Stilts, Philip 11 nw


" n pt sw
Sterret, Robert 14
Sheaffer, George 24 e pt se
Steel, James 13 nw
Shauck, John 5 sec
Sheaffer, Martin 8 sw
Stansberry, Micajah 30 nw
Stevens, Henry 9 se
Selby, Nicholas 3 pt nw
Selby, James 3 sw cor nw
Singery, John 19 e pt sw
Singery, Jehu 28 ne
Selby, Lloyd (aka:  Adam Shafer) 26 ne
Stephens, Richard 31 pt sw
Vanbuskirk, John 32 se
White, Benjamin 25 w pt ne
White, William 25 s cor ne
Walters, George 13 ne
Wirt, Christian 1 sw


7 sw
Walker, Christopher 29 sw
Woodward, John 9 e½ sw
Woodward, Andrew 9 w½ sw
Woodward, Nathaniel 3 ne
Weirick, Jacob 15 sw


14 nw
Weirick, Samuel 2 w½ ne
Weirick, Henry 22 ne pt sw
Wains, Jacob 26 nw
Rains, Martin 26 se
Williams, Benjamin 21 ne
Zeamer, Frederick 23 sw
Zeigler, Frederick 29 w½ se
Zeigler, Christian 29 e½ se
Zulman, Elizabeth 36 ne

Reference Number = 1828 / 9440-9451

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